Friday 28 December 2012

OSHA pops Champagne Demolition for retaliation ? Business ...

Champagne Demolition in Albany faces an OSHA lawsuit claiming that it illegally fired an employee for reporting improper asbestos removal practices at a company worksite. If true, that?s a violation of the Occu??pational Safety and Health Act.

According to the lawsuit, the em??ployee reported the improper pro?cedures on a job at Gloversville High School. He was fired the next day after enduring verbal abuse from company officials. OSHA says the company even threatened to sue the employee.

The worker filed an OSHA whistle-blower complaint and the agency investigated. After largely substantiating his story, it filed suit on his behalf.

OSHA?s lawsuit seeks the em???ployee?s reinstatement with lost wages, plus punitive and compen?satory damages, payments for emotional and financial distress and removal of any reference to the incident from the man?s personnel rec??ord. Barring a settlement, the case will go to trial.

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