Sunday 9 December 2012

Hillary for President?

December 6, 2012 Updated Dec 6, 2012 at 7:25 AM EST

New Yorkers like their governor and most prefer he stay in that job rather than make a run for the White House. At the same time, a majority favor outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president.

Those are some of the results found in the latest Siena College Research Institute poll released Wednesday.

SRI said Gov. Andrew Cuomo's favorability and job-performance ratings are at their highest levels since April. Cuomo has a 72-21 percent favorability rating, up from 67-24 percent in October. Also, 60 percent of voters say he is doing an excellent or good job as governor, compared to 38 percent who say he's doing a fair or poor job.

The governor's rise may have something to do with his handling of Superstorm Sandy that struck metropolitan New York City, pollster Steven Greenburg said.

"He is viewed favorably by at least two-thirds of Democrats, Republicans and independents and by voters from every region of the state. More than three-quarters of self-identified liberals and moderates view Cuomo favorably, as do 62 percent of conservatives," Greenburg said.

While a large majority of New Yorkers are currently prepared to re-elect him as governor in 2014, however, a plurality do not want to see him run for President in 2016. Clinton, the former first lady who represented New York in the U.S. Senate, is viewed favorably by three-quarters of voters, and a majority says that they would like to see her run for president in 2016.

Clinton has a favorability rating of 75-23 percent - her highest ever in a Siena poll. By a 54-39 percent margin, voters say they would like Clinton to run for President in 2016.

On other issues:

? 39 percent say the national economy will be better next year, compared to 22 percent who think it will be worse and 36 percent about the same. For the New York State economy it's 34 percent better, 21 percent worse, 42 percent

? 63 percent of voters, including 79 percent of Upstaters, say they have heard or read at least some about DEC's expected decision on hydrofracking, down slightly from 66 percent in October. Just as in October, 42 percent of respondents support allowing hydrofracking in New York while 36 percent oppose it.


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