Tuesday 28 May 2013

Shader Running Really Slowly For Some Reason? - C And C++ ...

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    #1 zehawk ?Icon User is online

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    Posted Today, 07:03 PM

    Ok, I know how much people hate these questions, the whole "Shader runs slow" or "Code runs slow.." But I seriously do not know what to say about this. I'm making point lighting with, well, multiple lights that will blend. I have no trouble uploading the data, and it draws, at about 70 fps. Here's the code that runs, but if you follow the logic, you will see that only the last light is drawn whereas the other lights are drawn over. I know why, it makes sense, but anything i try to include the other lights causes the fps to go below 20 fps. Keep in mind, this is for a game. Here it is:

    Vertex Shader:

 void main() {     gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;      gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;     // Set the position of the current vertex     gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; } 

    Fragment Shader where only one light is drawn:

 void light(const float loc, const float redDiff, const float greenDiff, const float blueDiff,         const float redDist, const float greenDist, const float blueDist) {     //the size of the light     const float lightSize = loc;      //the color of the fragment      lowp vec4 value = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};      float locX;     float locY;      //this is actually the distance x and y components     locX = loc - gl_FragCoord.x;     locY = loc - gl_FragCoord.y;      //the value of a^2 + b^2.     value.r = (locX * locX) + (locY * locY);      //the hypotenuse of the triangle     value.r = sqrt(value.r);     float distance = value.r;      //then the light value, depending on how big the distance away from the light it is     float lightRed = (lightSize - abs(distance * redDist)) / lightSize;     float lightGreen = (lightSize - abs(distance * greenDist)) / lightSize;     float lightBlue = (lightSize - abs(distance * blueDist)) / lightSize;      red = ((lightRed) * redDiff);     green = ((lightGreen) * greenDiff);     blue = (lightBlue) * blueDiff; } void main() { //how many lights there are, currently 64.  i can change that, but this isn't where the problem lies     for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)     {         light(i * 16, 1, 0.5, 0.0, 1, 1.125, 0.0);     }     gl_FragColor = vec4(red, green, blue, 1) * texture2D(color_texture, gl_TexCoord[0].st); } 

    The above code runs at about 70 fps, which is fine. But only one light is drawn.
    Now, any attempts at adding more lights drops the fps badly, to about 20. The lights all blend well, but 20 fps is bad. A few things i tried was if gates, to see if the new light is brighter than the old value, and if so, the color changes to the new light value. I also tried to find the difference between the new and old, and add it if its positive, but so far that hasn't worked either. So, if anyone could point in the right direction how i can allow blending while keeping 70 fps, that would be appreciated.

    Also, something weird is, take:

 red = ((lightRed) * redDiff); green = ((lightGreen) * greenDiff); blue = (lightBlue) * blueDiff; 

    And make it this:

 red += ((lightRed) * redDiff); green += ((lightGreen) * greenDiff); blue += (lightBlue) * blueDiff; 

    and frameRate drops considerably. That makes no sense why it does that, and it doesn't draw the lights either.
    However, if only the blue is changed from = to +=, then no frame drop occurs. What could be going on? Anyone know?

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    Replies To: Shader Running really slowly for some reason?

    #2 ButchDean ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Shader Running really slowly for some reason?

    Posted Today, 07:29 PM

    Before I put any thought into this are you running the shader routines in debug or release mode?

    #3 zehawk ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Shader Running really slowly for some reason?

    Posted Today, 07:47 PM

    I'm just loading the shaders into the program normally, not using a debugger. How would i know the difference? I'm new to glsl, sorry...

    #4 ButchDean ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Shader Running really slowly for some reason?

    Posted 4 minutes ago

    It would depend on what you are debugging. It's a very long story.

    If you knew how to used the tools of your chosen IDE and a shader debugging tool you would most likely nail the bottleneck.

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    Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/321873-shader-running-really-slowly-for-some-reason/

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